Cabin Pressure with Shawn and "G"
Every Monday, listeners are invited to join seasoned flight attendants Shawn and G for an exciting journey behind the scenes and into the galley of their favorite airlines with the podcast, "Cabin Pressure!" This show promises to bring the thrilling in-flight experience directly to the listeners' ears.
Shawn and G, with their wealth of knowledge and affable personalities, create an atmosphere akin to sharing a drink and captivating stories with friends at 30,000 feet. "Cabin Pressure!" seeks to entertain a wide audience—whether listeners are aviation enthusiasts, frequent flyers, or simply fans of a good story.
The podcast provides entertainment for anyone traveling, enduring the daily commute, or seeking an amusing escape at any time. With "Cabin Pressure," listeners are encouraged to fasten their seatbelts, stow their tray tables, and prepare for takeoff into an engaging adventure.
Cabin Pressure with Shawn and "G"
A Comedic Ride Through from Knee Replacements to In-Flight Adventures
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Ever wondered how knee replacement surgery can not only relieve pain but also return you from a ‘black cowboy’ riding a horse? Join us for a humorous yet insightful peek into our host’s personal experience with knee surgery. From the marvels of modern medicine correcting bow-leggedness to the unexpected comedic moments during recovery, this episode is a candid account that mixes personal triumph with light-hearted humor. If you've been putting off surgery, this might just convince you to take the plunge sooner rather than later.
Traveling isn't always smooth sailing, especially with Deadpool and Jason-themed backpacks causing double takes at the airport. Our journey continues with tales from the skies, where we navigate the chaos of air travel with a sense of humor. Whether it's dealing with mischievous kids or lobbying for hydration stations in airports, there's always a quirky twist around the corner. Our stories underscore the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and practicality amidst the pandemonium of travel, offering listeners a guide to surviving and thriving on their adventures.
Fasten your seatbelts for an in-flight saga that puts you in the middle of a real-life drama. When an intoxicated couple creates chaos mid-air, we recount the tense moments leading up to a police intervention upon landing. From firsthand experiences of handling aggressive passengers to sharing the joys of Clearwater Beach, our tales offer an exhilarating rollercoaster of emotions. We wrap up with a breath of fresh ocean air, reminiscing about deep-sea fishing and the vibrant life in Clearwater, all while encouraging our listeners to embrace change and take charge. Safe travels, and enjoy the ride!
Whether you’re an expat chasing the dream, a traveller inspired by European elegance...
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Ever wonder where the water bottle filling stations are in the airport? Ready to hear personal stories of unruly passengers on the aircraft? And little Johnny, stop ringing that call button. All this and more. Next, on Cabin Pressure, with Sean and G hey, everyone, welcome.
Speaker 2:This is cabin pressure. Well, time to catch up, isn't it? Well, time to catch up, isn't it?
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's time to catch up, man. All kinds of shit has been going on.
Speaker 2:Well, not really Not for you. You got your knee cut off, basically.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I got decapitated, knee decapitated, not my head.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know that's a really interesting operation, though I was looking at that, even though I've never seen it before, and I just wanted to see exactly what was done and how they did that to your knee.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean I got to get both my knees replaced. So this is the first time that you know the first procedure going through it. So you know there's all this technology out there right now. People are always looking. You know what's the best, what's the best way to get do this, how's the how am I getting to go through recovery? How long is it going to be? All those normal questions, right, um, so far for mine. I did mine pretty much the uh classic knee replacement. The doctor went in there, he sawed off both bones, did the whole alignment stuff with the computer, all that stuff put me back together with the different prosthetic stuff and put it all together. He, I mean fantastic job. I got to do a shout out to my doctor Musgrave, just in case he's listening.
Speaker 2:So, with the operation, how many days have, uh, has it been since you've had the operation?
Speaker 1:Well, I had it um approximately about 10 days now.
Speaker 2:Now would you say, um, a level of one to 10, pain wise when you first came home to now. What would you say?
Speaker 1:Oh, you know, I was on drugs dude.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, I'm still on drugs, but you got to come off the drug sometime, right?
Speaker 1:Sometime. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, like pain, like in the beginning. The pain, you know it could get up for me at any given point, was probably maybe six, seven is where they like that was my peak Right and then at normal, you know you had that constant aches going to be happening and that's days around like two, three.
Speaker 2:Still amazing thing though You're, you're, they're actually replacing it. That's amazing, though technology.
Speaker 1:I love to live in the modern age, man, because my ass would be dead already, probably.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but we just talked about this too, and what else did it do for you? You just said it.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah. Well, I'm as bold-legged as shit.
Speaker 2:And anybody that knows me has known me my whole life. Yeah, he's like a black cowboy, right that never rode a horse, exactly right.
Speaker 1:But uh, yeah, they straightened one of my legs out. So on the operation they can actually straighten your leg out and, um, get you straightened up there part of the deal. So that's a good thing for me to look forward my other knee when it gets straightened up and, uh, replaced. So it's cool, man, things are going good though.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know From the first day when I first seen you and then now where you're at. It's truly amazing. I mean, he's actually walking down the stairs now.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, you know what I was up and down. They won't let you out of the hospital unless you test to walk up and down stairs because everybody doesn't have you know the luxurious I do the first floor master Right. So you know everybody's got to get up and down the stairs. But yeah, they want you moving around. You can't leave the hospital until you're moving around.
Speaker 2:Now, if someone was suffering from the same problems that you had, what would you tell them?
Speaker 2:Dude, do it now, do it as soon as possible, don't make yourself suffer forever telling dude do it now, do it as soon as possible, don't don't make yourself suffer forever. And he has. He actually has to have both of these done. And I told him, uh, just a little bit ago, uh, we had talked about when the next knee operation he's going to get it done in the the next year. Yeah, yeah, it's a um, it's one of those things that you know.
Speaker 1:A no pain, no gain. Yeah, I mean it's really goes to the saying no pain, no gain. It's going to take a little you know a no pain, no gain.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean it's really. It goes to the saying no pain, no gain. It's going to take a little pain, you're going to go through some pain and stuff, but all that's going to subside and every person I know that's ever had one, and I'm sure there's hundreds of thousands out there in the world now um, they, you know, they can't say nothing thing over and over again when you stop moving, you start dying, oh yeah, so, this is basically a new lease on life.
Speaker 2:That wasn't that bad. It is still a new lease on life, though, even if you think about the pain that you were in, because I know I mean, all joking aside the pain that you were in just walking down the concourse it's a new lease on life.
Speaker 1:Yeah, here's the thing concourse, it's, it's, it's a new lease on life. Yeah, here here's the thing. When I got to the point for myself this is my personal preferences. You know, I'm 59 years old and I, when I you get to the point where you can't start or you can't do the normal activities Like I love pickleball, I love golf, I love being active, I love riding my bike, like you know, these are the things that I do as my recreation I was starting not to be able to do some of those things and once I that started to happen to me. You just had to make that choice. But a lot of people let that go. You know, like, maybe the pain isn't as much as it, you know, you think it is. I can stretch this out a little bit longer, and the sooner is actually better, rather than holding it off.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like I said, I can attest to seeing the difference in you already from a week ago to how you're moving today. Definitely a big improvement, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, day by day, man.
Speaker 2:Well, I would like to say for me, catching up, not a whole lot. All I did was go to work, brother.
Speaker 1:Dude like oh, it's just been smooth sailing the whole time.
Speaker 2:No hell, no Hell, no, I mean, it's always crazy at work. I was telling you. I was walking down the concourse and I just had to laugh. Right in front of me there was this couple. They were walking and they had two backpacks on and they were holding hands. Not unusual, right? No, Okay, Well, one backpack. The big head was Deadpool On the backpack, yeah. And then the other one was Jason from Friday the 13th. Wow, and I'm looking at this.
Speaker 1:Which one was wearing which.
Speaker 2:No, but this is like 6 o'clock in the morning and I'm looking at this. They're holding hands. I'm seeing Deadpool and Jason and these two are holding hands. I'm thinking what kind of relationship is this right? This is like a marriage made in heaven. So their kid's going to be like Freddy Krueger.
Speaker 1:Yeah, something, chucky.
Speaker 2:I was like 6 o'clock in the morning I'm looking at Deadpool and Jason from Friday the 13th. It just made me chuckle. I had to laugh.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But you know, the other thing too is I was on when I got on the plane. Actually that morning it was driving us absolutely nuts. We had this young family and this is nothing against kids, but parents when your child reaches up and they keep pushing that call button that little Johnny, motherfucker.
Speaker 1:I'm going to tell you right now I'd like to break some of those little kids hands. Pushing that damn button is so crazy. I mean, it's like we get to the gate, we got to wait until everyone gets off the plane and you're sitting there and you hear that ding ding, ding, ding ding and you see that little kid standing on an arm.
Speaker 2:Rack Ding.
Speaker 1:And everybody on the plane knows like. Will you please stop that little sumbitch from hitting that button? I mean, this isn't just a flight attendant thing, it's everybody on the plane. You know, it's everybody on the plane.
Speaker 2:You know it's the truth, though, but you see it and you're standing back there and you look at this little kid and you see a little finger just keeps going up hitting the same button Like you've never seen a damn button in the world. Exactly. Hey, Johnny, look at that little button.
Speaker 1:Go ahead and hit it. I mean, come on, you know I mean to be there at that age. Great, you know they're all. Children are beautiful. I love kids. Everybody that knows me, that knows all my nieces and nephews. I love them to death. But I will tell you, some of them can be some annoying bastards.
Speaker 2:Well, just when it comes to that call button, don't do that, don't do that Unless you want to see an unhappy crew member.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and the parents have to be aware, right yeah, come on. You're in public space, you're annoying everybody. You don't want your kid.
Speaker 2:A little situational awareness.
Speaker 1:Yeah yeah, this is just another little Johnny thing.
Speaker 2:Hey, you know something else? I was thinking about this that we do not have this in our airport. And another thing that airports should do that not a lot of them are doing some of them are doing it, but not enough of them is we should have a hydration area.
Speaker 1:Dude, you know I was just down in Cabo and this is one of the most smart thing I've ever seen. They had. Before you went into security they had a bucket there and a sign saying dump your water bottles here. They were not saying throw away your water bottles, they were like dump them out, and they had signs. You can see them pour the water bottle out here so you could take it through security. And right when you got out of security there was a water station, exactly.
Speaker 2:Exactly there is in our airport none, zero, and the replacement you have a water fountain, so you have access to a water.
Speaker 1:Yeah, those ones where you put your water bottle up there and they have the sensors and then you just fill up your water bottle. They need those everywhere.
Speaker 2:Exactly Because when you're coming through TSA security, the first thing they're going to do is they're going to take your bottle. Because, there's no place for you to dump it.
Speaker 1:And guess what you need to do when you fly Hydrate.
Speaker 2:Hydrate Right First thing. And if you look in the airports, did you, I'm not sure? Did you say that there was an app for that?
Speaker 1:Well, I think on some of the airports have like you know, they're like airport apps and like some of the ones that are showing you the map of the concourses, they will show you water stations. I was down in Houston recently and Houston Airport has those water stations and they'll show you where the filling points and stuff are. But there's so few of them. There needs to be just more of them. I mean, to me it's like and a water station is almost like a freaking AED.
Speaker 2:That would be great. We should have them everywhere. Exactly. That'd be great for the airlines to actually put on their app.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Exactly where the hydration systems are, per airport.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean if we could train the public to be able to, hey, say, you know what? Bring your water bottles empty. Yeah, just like that whole process I went through down in Cabo and you know we'll refill them here, but instead these greedy son of a bitches.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:They want the money.
Speaker 2:proof they want you to come in and buy your smart water bottle.
Speaker 1:And they want you to for the bottles. They want you to come in and buy your smart water bottle and they want you to buy the Ocafina and all that stuff and they get limited places that you can fill them up.
Speaker 2:Not like. These cities are making enough money from people. Nah Right, they can't afford to put a little hydration system in for these people? It always annoys me when I think about that. And these people walk in in and the first thing that they want to do is fill their water bottles up and I get it. Provide a hydration system for them in the airports. You'll take care of that. Just a little bit of annoyance.
Speaker 1:Yeah, man, speaking about annoyance commercials, right now the commercials. We just got done with this political era, right? I don't care what side you're on, or?
Speaker 2:who you voted for and all that stuff. But political commercials, annoying motherfuckers and the calls and the text and the messages unbelievable.
Speaker 1:I mean, it's just off the hook and men, but after that date it was, you know, november 5th I was like it's over. Yes, it's done you know what happened next day. Martha. Martha, have you signed up for your supplemental plan? I'm Joe Namath and I have a little bit of a deal for you today. It's like this is going to be like benefit supplement plan for the next like month and a half.
Speaker 2:That's all you see anymore now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and these commercials too. Too, they don't try to keep them like to like. It's like these 15 second commercials, no, they're like 45, 30 second commercials.
Speaker 2:They go on exactly like the balance of life, to where, okay, I was sitting down here. Now I chew these damn two damn gummies and I'm just bouncing around like a, like a 16 year old boy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean these, these, they just like bombard us as these stupid commercials. But the seasonal ones are the ones that just get under my skin.
Speaker 2:Yeah, martha, martha, those absolutely kill me. But you're right, man, it went from political to the benefits.
Speaker 1:Yeah, those benefit commercials. Well, see, here I'm not working right now. So now my little rants right now are about TV commercials. What have I been doing?
Speaker 2:He's been sitting back here nursing his knee Right. But did you see, when you're here mentioning that, did you see that altercation? Because we talk about this a lot physical altercations on the airplane.
Speaker 1:Yeah, man, that happens a lot.
Speaker 2:Did you see the one that happened on that San Francisco flight? No, so this guy they were sleeping and he was laying against the window. This guy went to the bathroom, came back from the bathroom for no reason, jumps on this guy in the window, came back from the bathroom for no reason, jumps on this guy in the window, starts just beating the living crap out of this guy. Blood all over the window. People are screaming, they're yelling, trying to pull this guy off of him. Comes to be that this guy at the window is actually deaf. He can't speak and didn't know what was going on, who was hitting him. People jumped in. Some of the crew jumped in. They pulled him off of this passenger and this guy had no idea why. This guy was jumped on top of him and started just literally beating the crap out of him and they said that there was blood all over the place. It's amazing. A lot of people don't understand. This is another thing that we deal with on a regular basis yeah, that's.
Speaker 1:That's all about ineffective communication. This asshole probably, you know you got up coming back to see whatever it's he and he didn't realize where he's at and then started talking this guy and this guy was he probably thought was ignoring him or whatever no, he didn't do anything, this guy, he.
Speaker 2:He just jumped on top of him Completely unprovoked, nothing, did nothing. He jumped right on top of him and started beating the crap out of him.
Speaker 1:But what I'm saying is the guy that couldn't hear. He probably the guy might have been saying something beforehand that he didn't even hear. You know know that the guy was having any communication with him whatsoever.
Speaker 2:All of a sudden, this guy just jumps on top of him. But in this, yeah, in this circumstance, nothing. No, sean, wow, because even the woman that was right next to him, nothing occurred. He just jumped right on top of him, started beating the crap out of him. But again it goes back to what we were talking about is we have incidents like this happen. Me and you have both had numerous incidents that have happened on aircraft and in 2024, there was a ton of complaints that had occurred on aircraft. And tell me one of yours.
Speaker 1:Yeah, hey, like where do I start, right? I mean, you're talking about people beating the shit one of yours. Yeah, hey, like where do I start, right? I mean you're talking about people beating the shit out of things. Well, this is a quick story about.
Speaker 1:I'm on a flight we're going down to Florida, and I had this couple in the back of the plane and they were just normal couples. It looked like they're going on vacation, having a good time, drinking a little bit of drinks and everything. But as the flight went on and it's only a few hour flight for me you could see that they were just getting way too intoxicated. So I had already said hey, you know, let's not give them any more alcohol, and one of the flight attendants didn't get the message and she served him again. Well, they would not release their drinks when we were getting ready to land, and so they had tables down, drinks on the table. They had Bloody Marys, all this stuff. We're getting ready to land. They're like fuck, no, I'm not giving you my drinks, I'm not doing that. I'm like you need to give me my drink. No, I'm like fine, done, I'm walking away. Right, we'll deal with this on the ground, Cause now, at that point we were like, you know, 6,000 feet or something like that.
Speaker 1:And um, so we go to our jump seats it's about 1500 feet and all of a sudden the whole cabin starts screaming oh my God, what's happening? Help us, help us, you. You know, you don't know. So I'm leaning down the cabin kind of looking what's going on, and I see this little lady. Okay, she is standing in the middle seat, she's standing up on the seat and she is beating the shit out of this dude on the aisle, boom, boom, I mean just kicking him and punching him and all this crap. So we're like literally like feet from touching down on the plane. We hit the runway, boom, we slowed down. She didn't miss a punch. I mean she's just beating the shit out of this dude. And so we slow down.
Speaker 1:Where I got myself to a safe situation, I jump up, I give it down there and I'm like I unbuckle the guy's seatbelt, I grab him, pull him out of the seat and I'm like go to the back of the plane. I turn around to her and I'm like sit down. She's like fuck you, I'm not sitting down, you can't tell me what to do. All this, blah, blah, blah. All the shit. Now, mind you, there's drinks and all kinds of shit everywhere too. So she now looks at me. I like you need to sit down. She's like fuck you. And she goes and kicks me. No, you know you and I know that's a bad move. Oh, so my instant reaction was I took this little less than 100 lady and literally body slammed her down into the seat, crossed her and I'm like I'm 6'2", you know 250 pounds Got her pinned down in the seat.
Speaker 2:And she is doing like pinned down in the seat and she is doing like linda blair in the seat and they do get crazy, like I mean, they're just like she was wild, like a rabid animal, and and I'm just like holding her down.
Speaker 1:I'm trying to figure out what my next move is here, because I'm a solo flight attendant. The other flight attendants got the guy in the back of the flight and the flight attendants that are up front have no idea anything's going on because you know we're on a long plane. They can hear what was going on and so, um, out of the corner of my eye, I look up and I see this big dude get out of the seat and he starts walking towards me and I'm thinking you know, as a flight attendant, you got to be aware of everything that's happening and I'm like, wait a minute, what the hell's going on?
Speaker 2:yeah, because this person might, might be with her right, I don't know what's.
Speaker 1:I'm holding her down and the dude comes up and he's like hey, you need help, I'm ice. And he pulls out the badge and like shows me. And I'm like, hell, yeah, I need some help. Grab the other side of her and hold her down while we come. You know, get the police. When we get to the gate she's like no problem, I got you. And so we're holding her down and she's still just like we're having a conversation like and if you can imagine laying on this table right here in front of us with going Linda Blair on us, but in the spit, it was crazy, yeah, and so, anyways, we get the police on, please come and take her off. And then she's walking off the plane that you know, everybody's got to sit down on the plane. So, everybody, she's walking up the plane and she turns around to the whole cabin and the whole plane and she's like fuck all you and fuck this cruise line.
Speaker 2:You know that that makes complete sense.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so we're like. We're like what was going on? So then we get her off and I go up to make my little statement and this lady, you know they're like hey, do you want to press charges? Do you know all this stuff? You're a big dude, I'm like. I'm like, listen, we're having this conversation. And as we start to have this conversation, she's now handcuffed in the gate area and this police officer decides to walk right in front of her and she decides that she's going to take her foot and feel gold his nuts, right between his legs.
Speaker 2:You're going to jail.
Speaker 1:You couldn't see somebody swooped up so fast and she's like picked up. They got her in uh, arm lock, locking arms with her, and they got her off the ground and her legs dangling and she's screaming, going down the concourse, going, they're raping me, helping me rape they're raping me.
Speaker 2:Help me someone. She's going to jail man. She kicked the cops in the nuts. Yeah, yeah, she's going she jail she was done.
Speaker 1:She was done, yeah, but you know the crazy thing about that is next day. You know we do these turns and stuff. So I got to like follow up. So they were like, oh yeah, she was on barbiturates and alcohol and all this stuff and so they locked her up. She actually went to prison. That in Florida, when you have a crime against you as a victim of a violent crime, once they get released you get notified. Well, like a month and a half later in the middle of the night I get this like automated call at like three o'clock in the morning. The person that has been released, that has committed a violent crime against you in the state of Florida, has been released and we are here to notify you Like she's in Ohio.
Speaker 1:It was just that she was being released down there.
Speaker 2:And all of a sudden your doorbell rings.
Speaker 1:I wish I wouldn't have come. I could care less. Exactly Picked the wrong house yeah, wrong house to come to honey.
Speaker 2:Do you know? What people really don't understand, though, in those situations is when that occurred and all that was going crazy. You had to remain in your seat.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean I wasn't going to jump out of my seat just to like run down the aisle to help this idiot. She was actually beating the shit out of her boyfriend, right, I mean. So I'm not going to help her, my life isn't important, plus you don't even know what the situation is. You don't know what the situation is, and all this stuff, until we get into a safe place where I can help you. Then that's when we're going to help you.
Speaker 2:Exactly, yeah, and that's the other thing people don't understand. Sometimes they think they'll look at a situation and say, well, why didn't you react? Well, there's a reason. There's always a reason why we do something or we don't do something.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. We've got to take our own safety into account first, so tell me about yours.
Speaker 2:Yeah, my situation was crazy. We were coming back from a red-eye flight. We were approximately, I think we were like 45 minutes out from landing. We brought the midnight flight back from Los Angeles back into Cleveland. We were sitting there and it was completely dark. You know how the cabin is Everybody's sleeping and I'm sitting up front and the next thing you know, all hell broke loose on that plane. All these call buttons went off. Now there's no lights back there, so everybody's ding-dong.
Speaker 1:On the red light.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh man, they're screaming, everybody's screaming, so we flip the lights on fast. I go running through the cabin. I'm looking at this guy, comes out of the aisle and he is in this like crazy mode and he's screaming. He's like ah. And he's looking at me. His eyes are all bugged out, everybody's freaking out. And he comes running at me and the first thing I did is I grab him, I throw him into the row and I jump on top of him. He's trying to bite me. So he's completely crazy Bite you, bite me.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, he's the whole time. He's trying to bite me, screaming. He's, he's, uh, he's trying to bite me. I'm wrestling with him. I throw him into the row, I grab him, get him around the neck. I'm holding him. He's trying to bite me, spitting. I'm sitting there and got him in a headlock. I'm trying. I got him in a chokehold and I'm just about ready to choke this guy out and I had my legs wrapped around his. It hadn't even secured and all of a sudden, you know when a person's on drugs, how they just all of a sudden, just completely, just calm. Yeah, that's what he did Wow.
Speaker 2:He just went from craze mode to completely calm.
Speaker 1:Yeah, what would you like? How can I help you?
Speaker 2:No, he was looking at me. He had this crazy look in his eyes and he was just looking at me, but he completely went calm. Oh, he was giving you like that death stare. Yeah, that dead. Look in your eyes.
Speaker 2:So I'm sitting there talking to my other flight attendant. He was like Gary, what do you want me to do? And I'm like get a hold of the captain, get the police and meet the aircraft. This person's nuts Right. So I couldn't leave this person. I'm sitting with him in this row.
Speaker 2:We had moved the passengers around, I waited for him on landing and when we landed we pulled up to the gate and on board comes the paramedics not the police, what Paramedics? So the paramedics come back there. Now this guy is just staring at them. He's not saying anything. The paramedics looked at him and said we're not taking him, he's crazy. And I said, okay, well, what do you want me to do? And they're like well, I don't know, we're not taking him, that's the job for the police. So I'm like I got to get this guy off the plane because you know, I don't know if he's just looking at me walk him off, take him up out of the jet way, get him up into the boarding area.
Speaker 2:There's all these supervisors up there, the gurneys up there, from the paramedics, and all of a sudden this guy sees the police and as soon as he sees the police, he goes, flipping nuts, flips out. He flips out. So I grab him underneath the arm, got him in an arm bar, got him around the throat is holding by his throat arm bar. Again, he's trying to bite me. The police are running up there. I'm like what do you want me to do with him? They're like put him on that gurney. So I lift him up, stuck him on this gurney. These guys are grabbing a hold of his legs and they're strapping him down. He's spitting. So they put one of those spit bags on him. You know, yeah.
Speaker 2:So they get him tied down, they take him out of there and we have one of our supervisors and they were like are you okay? And I said yeah, I'm good. And they said are you sure? And I said yeah, I'm good. Yeah, I'm good. And they said are you sure? And I said, yeah, I'm good. It was pretty intense. And they said, well, don't worry about it. I got you covered. And I said covered for what? And they said the FAR violation that you broke for getting off the plane with passengers on board, are you?
Speaker 2:kidding me? I'm sorry, I just got to speak.
Speaker 1:Here's the crazy thing All the flight attendants out there that listen to us, they know about FARs and how many people are supposed to be in a plane and all that stuff. We're supposed to retain that number of planes. But I mean, for her first initial reaction is you know, I got you covered for your FAR. Far violation Bitch bitch go somewhere, Leave me alone. I know that's what you were saying, right?
Speaker 2:You know, I was so dumbfounded by the comment that I just turned around, I walked back and got on the plane. Well, now, going back to what you were talking about, we always have we have follow-ups in a serious situation and this was actually pretty serious because this person that was doing this was HIV positive.
Speaker 1:Oh shit, the dude that was trying to bite you. Yes, was HIV positive.
Speaker 2:See, that's crazy, and the FBI actually got involved in it. So they had contacted me and they had talked to me and they were wondering if I wanted to prosecute this person. Yeah, because that's felony assault, right? Well, actually it's attempted murder, right, because when you knowingly have it, it's attempted murder if you're trying to transmit it to someone else.
Speaker 2:And thankfully this person wasn't able to bite me and they had told me that this person was in the psych ward and that they were never getting out of the psych ward. And if I wanted to go on with prosecution, I said, as long as they're not getting out, that's fine, I'm good with it. But these incidents, they happen and we do deal with these crazy people on the airplane. And when this happens it's in a tube. Yeah, it's in a small space yeah, we're here.
Speaker 1:Here's an interesting too thing about this. So g and I are, we're pretty big guys, so us handling ourself on the plane, we have enough background and experience and usually to help handle pretty much anybody in the plane. But I mean, I can't imagine you know, some of my co-worker from GALS reacting to any of these situations we just told you about and doing the same things we're doing. I mean, it's a little different, but that's the terrible thing about it is at least people they don't care who they're doing it to. It's just fortunate that we were there to react and help these people and whatever, and assist these people in their bad days.
Speaker 2:Well, most people in their lives, they've never even fought.
Speaker 1:Let's be honest.
Speaker 2:They've never even had an altercation with someone Me and you are a little bit different with that but most people they've never even had an altercation, so they're nervous when it happens and they're scared, and rightfully so. I understand that because the guy that I was working with, he told me afterwards he goes. I was scared to death and I said that's okay, I understand that I did not need you to jump in. I didn't want to get him hurt or hurt a female or someone else hurt either. But we have these situations that happen on the plane and we see them in the news and these people come on. You know the drugs or they're crazy.
Speaker 1:Right, that's crazy man.
Speaker 2:And you know, like this guy from San Francisco, you feel so bad because this guy was just sleeping. Could you imagine the fear, I mean the long-lasting fear, that you just fell asleep on an airplane and all of a sudden, somebody just started beating the crap out of you.
Speaker 1:Well, and then combine that with the disability of not being able to speak and hear and all that stuff that's. You know. How does that person communicate if nobody's not witnessing what's happening right there? You know.
Speaker 2:And you know on a flight, we prefer flights boring and uneventful. Boring and uneventful we say this all the time. How was your day Boring and uneventful? It was the best day in the airline industry Any time that we do not end up on YouTube, cnn, any news station was a great flight.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's crazy. But you know, this reminds me of another story that I have with this guy and it's kind of like segues perfectly into this. So same thing. You know this guy, he's on the plane, it's actually a business guy coming from, uh, from Florida and um, he's um, actually traveling with uh, I recall this and the reason why I would know this is because he walked back to the back and they said, hey, can I get a couple more drinks? And I'm like sure, we're having a conversation like any other customer we have on our plane, and we served him some drinks and stuff and he hadn't been over-served. Actually, this was the initial drinks. We've only served him this and he goes back to his seat.
Speaker 1:Well, he walks back to his seat and within like 10 minutes of us talking to this guy which was perfectly normal, like we're having a conversation right now this guy starts going crazy and starts punching the back of the seats, the screens that are in the back of the seats. He starts punching screens and there's people sitting in front of him. So you can imagine somebody punching the back of your street and you were. You know you're jerking in there, your seat and all that stuff, and so you know people ringing the call button and all this stuff. So I go up there and I see him punching. I'm like you know, hey, you got to knock this, knock this off. But he's like, oh, I mean, he starts slurring. Now this guy that just talked to me 10 minutes ago couldn't even speak properly, like he had like went to this massive state of like catatosis, like you know, it was wild. And I'm like, wow, what's happened in these last 10 minutes? Right? And so I get him calmed down. I'm like, if you need to calm down, I walk away, I go back to the back.
Speaker 1:As soon as they get back to the back, people start ringing their flight button. People were screaming. He's doing the same thing again and now he's like swinging at everybody, everything. All of a sudden he picks up a can of soda. He a full can of soda. He throws it across the cabin. Now he's on one side of the plane with the window seat.
Speaker 1:It goes on to the other side like five rows up, and hits this lady in their head. Like I mean, can you imagine just sitting there and all of a sudden, a can of coke just hits you in the head? That don't feel good, no. And so I go up and I'm like, listen. I go, I'm like, listen, you need to calm. I'm like, listen, you need to calm down. I'm like he's just pounding on the seats, punching the seats punches. I said, listen, you need to calm down. He's like, well, we go into our whole. What do we do in a situation and this goes kind of back to the you know, the young gals flight attendants are trained to we, we aren't supposed to like tackle you and all that stuff. We're, we're, we're going to protect ourselves, but we're in the number one thing we're gonna do is we're going to go get ABAs. We've talked about this from the.
Speaker 2:ABAs.
Speaker 1:Unless that that that dude's freaking running at you If you don't have time. Yeah, if you don't have time. Every situation is different.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:I'm looking around the cabin. I'm looking around, I'm looking for some people to help me and I turn around, there's this dude over here. He's like a bodybuilder and he's like literally coming, was on the cross from him and he was like. He was like yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, like you know. So I walked him over like listen, can you guys help me? And he's like yeah, yeah, yeah, all the stuff. We go back there.
Speaker 1:Well, on planes, as most flight attendants will know that, we do have carry handcuffs. So I'd already told the flight attendants, hey know that we do have carry handcuffs. So I'd already told the flight attendants, hey, tell the captain, blah, blah, blah, get this past year. He's out of control. We might have to use handcuffs if we can't get him. You know, calm down and all this stuff. So, sure enough, you know me and these two other big guys were there's three big guys standing over this guy. I pulled those guys out of the row. He's still like just slobbering and punching the back of the seats and and I said listen. I said stop what you're doing. And he kind of like looks at me and I said you got two choices here, bud. I said we're gonna do this the hard way? Are you gonna do it the easy way? I said, we're gonna put your hands in some handcuffs, and he literally just leaned over me and, like held out his hand.
Speaker 2:Smart decision. Smart decision, Exactly yeah because he was looking at three guys.
Speaker 1:Yeah yeah, yeah. I was like listen, we got to take you down, we're going to take you down, but anyhow, yeah, we put him on handcuffs.
Speaker 2:That ABA also is an able-bodied assistant.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean people on the plane. We are always willing to have you help us in situations. We are always, you know, just like we're calling for a doctor, a nurse, all that type of stuff.
Speaker 2:But a lot of times in these situations that you're talking about, we don't have those minutes. Sometimes, yeah, you don't have the time we just got to react Right.
Speaker 1:But this was a situation where he was kind of like going in, going out, going in, going out, and he got to a point where we just had to say enough's enough.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And so we put him in handcuffs and walked him off the plane and I'm sure that guy's on the no-fly list and doesn't get to fly anymore and that privilege is taken away. But yeah, I mean we get these kind of crazy stiff on the plane all the time. I mean.
Speaker 2:And a lot of times they don't make the news. No, no, no, no. This is this one made the news because it was really bad, but our, ours never, mine, never made the news.
Speaker 1:No, I don't think I've ever had an incident yet that made the news.
Speaker 2:Yeah, mine was flat out, crazy, yours was crazy yeah.
Speaker 1:I mean the paperwork and all the these are. We shouldn't have to do this. Let's put it that way.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but we do all the time, unfortunately. Yeah, yeah, you know, there was a. There was a situation that I had to. I was sitting, uh, I was actually in the back of the aircraft and, uh, the flight attendants up front. They had a situation between, uh, two males in first class. The male in 4B had an issue with the male in 3A. No, not 4B, but 4A had an issue with 3A.
Speaker 1:So they're sitting in front of each other. Yeah, I don't know they had some kind of altercation, but anyway, he's kicking my seat or something.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they called me to the front and they're like Gary, can you come to the front? And I said, yeah, no problem. So I walk up to the front and I said what's going on up here? And right away the guy in 4A goes I'm going to kick your ass. I was like you're not kicking anybody's ass, sit. He just looked at me and I was like yes, sit down, you're not kicking anybody's ass. So what is the problem? And it's amazing how two grown men act like little bitty kids. Oh my gosh, this situation doesn't even matter. These two were acting like two little kids.
Speaker 1:Children Grown. Men that act like children on planes is like a plague.
Speaker 2:Exactly Because it's somebody's seat assignment, because somebody's sitting next to somebody's bag or whatever. But we deal with these dumb situations all the time on the airplane.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and the crazy part about that whole situation to me too, is that most of these men they're all professionals. These are people that are running corporations and executives here and there, whatever, and they're arguing over because you bumped my seat or whatever made you mad or irritated you. You know you're making too much noise in front of me or whatever. You know it's like you know or what was it. The guy was farting in the thing and they told you I had a guy.
Speaker 2:I had a guy one time, one time because the catering had had shorted us. Uh, beverages the the girl in back that had the galley, she, um, she didn't check the beverages and we were short. So I I told everybody that we couldn't give everybody a can today. We just give them a cup. And this guy wanted to, wanted a can. I told him I said I'm sorry, but everybody can only have a cup. And and this guy wanted a can. I told him I said I'm sorry, but everybody can only have a cup and if we have enough we'll come back through and we'll give it to you. He said I told you I wanted a can. And I said, no, I told you, you're going to get a cup. Well, he takes his meal and he throws it back at me and I catch it. And that's when we used to remember. We used to get those sandwiches and stuff.
Speaker 2:He throws it at me, I catch it and I turn around. I looked at Cindy and I was like I guess, cindy, you don't want to eat today. And he looked at me. He goes I'm going to kick your ass. And I was like what? And he goes I'm going to kick, so we need to move the cart. So this whole time this guy is telling me how he's going to kick my ass as soon as we get off the plane. And I'm not kidding Sean, the whole time, right? So you know, anytime we're in uniform, we're tried like this all the time and I'm not trying to be, it's not a macho thing, we're tried all the time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, people are always trying us to see how far they can push us.
Speaker 2:Exactly, and this guy kept telling me that he was going to do this to me. Finally I had enough. I was in the jetway, probably did something I shouldn't have done back then, but I was a little bit younger and I walked off. And I was in the jetway, probably did something I shouldn't have done back then, but I was a little bit younger and I walked off and I was standing there. Do you remember when we used to have to drop envelopes? Oh, yeah, okay. So I went off, came back and he was waiting for me in the jetway and he said I'm going to, he goes. I told you I'm going to kick your ass. And I just had enough. I took my tie off. I said just do it. And he goes, what? And I said do it.
Speaker 2:I'm so tired of hearing you talk, do it. I want to see you do it. I want to see you kick my ass, because as soon as you take that first swing at me, as soon as you come at me, everybody else is going to see you do that. And I promise you I'm going to kick your ass up and down this jetway and you know I'm dead serious about it. If you got me to that point, you know exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to do exactly what I said I was going to do. I'm going to kick your ass up and down this jetway, because if I'm going to lose this job because of you, this is what I'm going to do, and thank God, he decided that wasn't such a good idea.
Speaker 1:He decided that was be. A smart man Was not such a good idea.
Speaker 2:Okay, and trust me when I'm telling you, folks, I do not ever want to be put in a situation where I have to be in a physical altercation with anybody on an airplane.
Speaker 1:No, we want boring, and you know that's what we want in a physical altercation with anybody on an airplane. No, we want boring, and you know that's what we want in a plane.
Speaker 2:But sometimes we get in these situations that we don't have a choice.
Speaker 1:Oh no, if they're going to corner you, you're going to definitely defend yourself and you know you're not going to back down. First of all, you know you're going to make sure that if we're on the plane, we're definitely going to maintain control and authority.
Speaker 2:But you know, the one thing I love is about when me and you are on this plane at the same time. What's that? Boring and uneventful. Boring and uneventful. Me and you never, never, ever have a problem on there.
Speaker 1:I remember I recall like this is I don't know if it was last year or whatever, but it was me, g, and it was another partner of ours, a very big guy, and uh, we're on the plane and we're all working together and there was actually I think there was four of us on the plane, four big guys. It was ebony and it was, uh, I think it was g and you, gary, and me, anyhow, and one of the pastors is like stop me now. And he's like, is something happening on this plane? Like is, is, is there, are we anticipating something? And I'm like I had no idea at first what he was talking about. Right, and he goes. Well, there's some very large flight attendants on this plane and I was. I was like wait a minute. I was like no, I said this is just another boring, dull flight. We were just here. It just so happened we all got together.
Speaker 2:Say it a thousand times over and over again Boring and uneventful is what I love. Every single day we pull up to the gate, we let everybody off. Everybody has a great time. That's what we're here for. We're not here to argue or fight with people. We are here to actually for people to have a good time, enjoy themselves on the aircraft, get them to their families, their destinations, and hopefully we don't have a crazy person taking drugs that's going to stop all that from happening on a plane Drinking and drugs at high altitudes is not a good thing, people.
Speaker 2:Oh, drinking, that's going to be a whole other thing. Drinking on an airplane, oh. Projectile throwing up oh my gosh, we've had those. Man, you guys would not believe some of the projectile throw-ups that we've had.
Speaker 1:Yeah, when you guys are ready for a gross episode.
Speaker 2:Yeah, episode. Yeah, we're gonna. We're gonna talk about that.
Speaker 1:Let's talk about clearwater, florida, destination of the week destination. I love clearwater. I love karate. You know this is clearwater is uh so, uh, this, this is a story that g doesn't know I'm getting ready to tell you. But uh, years ago, man, I used to commute back and forth to tampa area that's what g used to live down there and, uh, we'd go out to clear water and we go fishing. That was down there and we'd go out to Clearwater and we'd go fishing. That was like our relief. We'd go over there, throw the pole in, and I remember I had never fished in Florida, ever, and I'm just like this is the craziest thing. So me and him pull over to the side of the road, we get these poles, we throw the poles in and, I kid you, not the first cast I throw out. What do I catch?
Speaker 2:this big, huge blowfish and I can remember. Clear as day is that the whole memory of us doing that. I was like didn't they call that a mother-in-law fish?
Speaker 1:or something like that, something like that. But I mean, like I was like this is crazy places down here. I had only seen this like in on, you know, cartoons and in aquariums in aquariums.
Speaker 2:But one day we're going to talk about our Clearwater Beach episode back when we were young with my brothers. But we'll talk about that one another time. Clearwater Beach love the beach Before the hurricane. They're cleaning it up now, but before the hurricane, one of the cleanest beaches I've ever seen.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's a beautiful beach and just a great area. Lots of used to have, lots of restaurants.
Speaker 2:Still do man, they got lots of stuff.
Speaker 1:It's a great relaxing area. You've always been pegged as that party place for the you know college break time type of thing. Well, you know college break time type of thing.
Speaker 2:Well, you know where the, you know the, the, the very first Hooters.
Speaker 1:Very first Clearwater, really yeah, clearwater Largo.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's Gulf to Bay. And how I know that is because when I first moved down to Florida I live probably diagonal from it.
Speaker 1:Oh, imagine G being diagonal from the first Hooters.
Speaker 2:Exactly yeah.
Speaker 1:We know there's lots of stories there.
Speaker 2:ladies and gentlemen, that was the original Hooters. Now there's also another place on Clearwater Beach that if you love seafood you got to go, and it's called Cooters Cooters spelled with a C.
Speaker 1:Spelled with a.
Speaker 2:C. Bring it Actually. Sean, you're going to post it on the site, right?
Speaker 1:Yeah, we'll post it on the site. Great little seafood place.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a great little seafood place down on Clearwater Beach. You'll like that. And again, that's Cooters.
Speaker 1:Cooters with a C. Well, let's see.
Speaker 2:Another beach to go to is not far away. It is Indian Rocks Beach Absolutely gorgeous, wow. Have you ever been there? No, indian Rocks is a gorgeous beach. It's only about 19 minutes away from Clearwater, so if you're spending some time in Clearwater, you want to go to a different beach. There's actually. Even if you walk all the way down the beach in Clearwater, there's other sections of it. That's absolutely gorgeous too. But another beach if you want to go spend a day Indian Rocks beautiful beach, also Cool. But one of the things I going back to what we were talking about whenever I lived down there deep sea fishing. Oh yeah, deep sea fishing in a period is so much fun.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, deep sea fishing in period is so much fun. Oh, if you ever got to experience it. I mean, there's so many different types of deep sea fishing because people, you know, they all have these fantasies of deep sea fishing. But I've done some Florida deep sea fishing.
Speaker 2:It's fantastic oh yeah, well, what I love is grouper.
Speaker 1:Yeah Right, I didn't know there was all these different types of grouper. I just thought there was a grouper. You got red grouper, spotted grouper, black grouper, brown grouper, grouper I mean, everybody's got a. There's a different grouper. It's unbelievable.
Speaker 2:But you'll eat them. Oh yeah, they're all good eating. I love Deep sea fishing down in Clearwater Beach. Tons of boats down there. You'll have a great time. We don't really need to go over a lot of things down there. There's so many restaurants and, like I said, it's an area that once you go down there you'll understand it's great. Great little nightlife down there and there's some great nightclubs also right along the beach too.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's a great place to watch the sunset, relax, catch that cerveza, hang out with some friends.
Speaker 2:You know, when I was young they had a bunch of volleyball tournaments down there, the Jose Cuervo Classic. They probably still have it down there, but they used to have that classic down there right on Clearwater Beach Holiday and Surfside when I was young. We used to go that classic down there right on Clearwater Beach Holiday Inn Surfside when I was young we used to go there all the time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was in my 20s and Holiday Inn Surfside, clearwater Beach A lot of fun. But, like I said, if you want a great beach to go, to, great place to go to spend some time, clearwater Beach.
Speaker 1:Awesome.
Speaker 2:All right, buddy. So what's? The quote today, bud, this actually kind of pertains to what's going on in our world today, right? Uh, life has no remote. Get up and change it yourself. It's the only way you're going to do it, dude.
Speaker 1:I think that change is being made right now.
Speaker 2:It's profound right.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of remote changing in the world right now.
Speaker 2:But I love that quote because it's so true. If you want something changed, hey, don't look around. Don't look around, get up and do it yourself, exactly. All right, guys Listen. It was a lot of fun. Hope you guys enjoyed the show. You guys have a great week. Be careful flying. Safe travels to everyone and all the listeners. You guys have a great week outstanding man.
Speaker 1:You guys hang in there. We'll be seeing you next time on cabin pressure thanks, guys have a great day thank you for listening to cabin pressure with Sean and G. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Then share us with just one friend Now go out and live a happier, healthier and more productive life.