Cabin Pressure with Shawn and "G"
Every Monday, listeners are invited to join seasoned flight attendants Shawn and G for an exciting journey behind the scenes and into the galley of their favorite airlines with the podcast, "Cabin Pressure!" This show promises to bring the thrilling in-flight experience directly to the listeners' ears.
Shawn and G, with their wealth of knowledge and affable personalities, create an atmosphere akin to sharing a drink and captivating stories with friends at 30,000 feet. "Cabin Pressure!" seeks to entertain a wide audience—whether listeners are aviation enthusiasts, frequent flyers, or simply fans of a good story.
The podcast provides entertainment for anyone traveling, enduring the daily commute, or seeking an amusing escape at any time. With "Cabin Pressure," listeners are encouraged to fasten their seatbelts, stow their tray tables, and prepare for takeoff into an engaging adventure.
Cabin Pressure with Shawn and "G"
From Chaos to Comedy: Navigating Life's Quirks
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Ever had one of those weeks where everything goes wrong, but there's that one friend who seems to be living in a bubble of endless good luck? Join Shawn and G as we swap stories of family chaos, household hiccups, and the eternal battle with winter's icy wrath. We may not have had a "wally world week," but we've got plenty of laughs to share as we navigate life's slippery roads together, hoping for those sunshiney moments.
Stuck at the airport with nothing but time and the bizarre behaviors of fellow travelers? We've been there too. From the trials of being a flight attendant to the antics of an elderly couple tussling over a slice of pizza, we've seen it all. People-watching becomes our sport of choice, where the absurdity of travel delays turns into a comedy of human quirks. Come laugh with us as we turn tedious waits into an entertaining game of spot-the-silly.
And what about those cringe-worthy public spectacles that make you wish you could unsee them? We'll recount our encounters with some truly unforgettable characters, like the man who mistook the airport for his personal reflexology studio and the woman who could give Macy's Day Parade floats a run for their money. As we reminisce about Valentine's Day quirks and Indianapolis' vibrant culture, we find joy in life's unpredictability, from the nostalgic to the downright peculiar.
Whether you’re an expat chasing the dream, a traveller inspired by European elegance...
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passenger spelunking in the airport boarding area. Flight attendant throat punches a passenger, 737 hits a truck on takeoff. All this next on captain pressure with sean and g hey, everyone welcome.
Speaker 2:This is cabin pressure what's up?
Speaker 1:what's up people? What's going on, sean? Hey man, you know, life sucks sometimes. I mean, uh, this has been a rough, uh last few weeks, actually, like it's. I'm dealing with, uh, some elderly in-laws, the 94 year olds, and uh, you know and you know it seems like you were you just had that episode too, like you know I was.
Speaker 2:I was just thinking the same thing.
Speaker 1:Shit happens, it comes in threes and shit like that. I don't understand why life has cycles like that, but right now I got the bad shit going on just the same as you had. It's a big bucket of suck, a big bucket of suck.
Speaker 2:I'm still rebounding from mine and like I, I know what's going on with yours a little bit, but man, it just, it happens like that right. I mean you, you're just, it's like you think you're cruising along with life and you're like oh yeah, it's good and all sudden it just goes to shit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I mean, I mean, if you uh, you're thinking about it like like I was, uh. So we? You know one of my buddies, arthur, right, like his, his last, this is his last week. So last Monday he went out, he went about fishing man. He hit, like he got three big giant triple tails, like you know. He's showing them off on Facebook. Wednesday goes out. He goes out golfing. He's golfing on his home course.
Speaker 2:He gets a hole in one, okay. And then sunday. He's an eagles fan, and we all know what happened, right?
Speaker 1:yeah, like it's like he, he's in like a shangri-la, right now he's made the cheese look like idiots dude, it was, it was we that we could talk about that 1.33 billion dollars bet on that game.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I mean it was crazy, but he was having a wally world week. I mean, I just talked to him and stuff he was.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean it was crazy, but he was having a wally world week. I mean I just talked to him and stuff. He was like you know it's crazy. But then you know, like you were having your bad cycle just happening. I got my bad cycle going on. I mean we got the leak in the basement and still dealing with that, I mean it's like I'm I'm waiting for the damn wally world sean yeah, yeah, we need some wally world weeks.
Speaker 2:No shit, man Cause ours, ours is not, ours is more like the candy one, and when we were actually holding him gunpoint, they go up there and take the damn bride because it sucks, man. Yeah, but it is. And I'm going to tell you mine hasn't, hasn't got any better.
Speaker 1:Well, it will get better, man. You know, here's another thing too Like right now, like my buddy he's down in Florida and he's out there. Like I call two buddies of mine, they're both in Florida. They're like it's hot down here, man, it's in the 80s degrees and you know well, we just had like an ice storm up here.
Speaker 2:And get ready to have another one oh yeah yeah.
Speaker 1:A lot of rain. People are snowbirds. You got to get out of this shit. I think that's one of the things Us being under the gray blanket, dulls of winter and all that stuff being up in the northern part of the country. It doesn't matter where you are, you need a little bit of sunshine in your life.
Speaker 2:But you know, when you're traveling though, especially up here, snow, good, I mean, you're fine, just go slow. Ice sucks. I I mean, it's not good, you don't see it. Next thing you know you hit your brakes, that's it. It's so dangerous. Yeah you, I mean, you're just sliding, that's it, you're not gonna, you're not gonna stop that car, just gonna keep going. And have you been in that situation?
Speaker 1:yeah, you like, you hit that ice and, like you're, I had one. I just like throw you in the story here. I had an ice story and this is this is back when, uh uh, you were staying with me. Yeah, like like remember, uh uh, the car, the little Corolla that.
Speaker 2:I had yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, um, yeah. So I'm going down the highway on uh, it was on four 80 and uh, we were. I was going around this curve and there's a truck like on the two lanes away from me but right parallel with me, and we hit this bridge and, dude, that car started like rotating. And it's like rotating, I have no control over it. Like you know, you move the wheel, it's not doing anything, but it's still the car spinning. I did a three, 60. The car spun on the highway all the way around.
Speaker 2:Now, it's not funny.
Speaker 1:Now I'm looking reverse like you're shitting your band, you're like oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. And then like you're, it's going. And then I'm trying to like thinking please don't hit this truck, please don't hit this truck, and I literally spin out. I hit where I'm now, 360, all the way around, and I catch grip and I keep going down the highway.
Speaker 2:I did that too. I've done it. I know I did it too. I'm black ice one time.
Speaker 2:I mean, it was sliding, all of a sudden, you, you see a dry spot right and I'm sliding sideways and I see it and I know, I know, if I get to it, as soon as I get to it, I hit the accelerator and I'll straighten out. Yeah, okay. So I mean, and that happened, but you know, before we get going on to today, the other thing too is that do you know if you ever went driving this happened coming out of the employee lot one time, beautiful outside, going to the employee lot, you get in the car, you're getting ready to drive out, you get at the light, you turn, turn onto the, um, the, the I think it was the main road and then all of a sudden, you see this big snowflakes coming down. You're like, oh, that's really pretty Right, and you're like pretty snow, you know what I mean. And then, like two seconds later, you can't see a damn thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's like whiteout. All of a sudden it's completely whiteout. That happens a lot here in Northeast Ohio.
Speaker 2:You cannot see anything and you're sitting there going. You went from man. That's beautiful that I'm going to die today. I mean it's that bad.
Speaker 1:Yeah, weather changes here in a blink of eye. It is absolutely horrible, but anyway I mean coming from the airport for us, like how far we both drive the same. That's the thing, Like we keep going through these squalls of like danger.
Speaker 2:White outs. I mean, there's certain you know when you're driving the interstate and you know, right, there's certain areas that we drive and all of a sudden you're driving and you're looking at it and you see this haze and you're like, oh no, no way.
Speaker 2:And then as soon as you get up there and it's like you just hit a shit storm and I mean it's just bad, I mean all the way bad, but anybody, anybody that lives up here, you know it. I mean you go through it. It's crazy, I mean and and it's it's no fun, no, fun at all.
Speaker 1:Anyways, getting back to what we're talking about and stuff, I mean you know me catching up with everything. It's like, uh, in this mess of all the stuff I've been doing, man, I just you know, we're sitting right here in the studio right here where we're recording and my office has been moved to a different room and I got so much shit accumulated.
Speaker 2:I can't believe how much you got a snowball effect of shit Like I was dealing with now. It's like it's like all of a sudden that you got the snowball.
Speaker 1:I mean, when you take the exercise people and go out there and like one of your rooms, just decide to move everything out of that room. Everything I mean it is just I mean.
Speaker 2:And cut the carpet out, and I don't consider myself like a pack rat or anything like that.
Speaker 1:But I got a lot of accumulated shit. There's a reason why you got to go through it, man, no doubt. Well, the reason why I got to go through it is because I got these little shitty mice that came in my house and burrowed through the wall and created this leak Snowball for the effect of shit man, that's what you've had. So, anyways, let's catch up with you. What's been going on with you?
Speaker 2:Well, okay, we're going to ping pong it right back. So Jackson came to visit with his girlfriend, audrey, and we were meeting her for the first time and that was cool, but they were going back. So, um, I I thought, well, I'm gonna go ahead and trade my trip and I'm going to check in later. I'll do this little crappy two day, which you know I ain't going to do no crappy one. But I thought, well, I'll do it Cause I'm going to see him the. It didn't go like that. So got him to the airport. His dude, it's winter, his stuff went good, man, I mean, he got right. Yeah, his his got real good, mine it. It was just a shit show from the time that I got delayed on the first one, delayed on the second one.
Speaker 1:I get in late all right, give me the rundown like in this delay, like where are? We going to like where?
Speaker 2:point to point. Okay, well, Newark.
Speaker 1:First of all, all you have to say is Newark, and then we say shit show, Shit show right away.
Speaker 2:I mean so, and you know I ain't going to go to Newark in the wintertime, so there must have been something. Why? So, yeah, it was my son. So I went to Newark and then Newark down to Florida another shit show. So I get down to Florida. We get in there late, so I get up, get ready to go into the airport that morning and I go to the airport. As I'm going to the airport, I get this notification.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Delayed. It couldn't happen at the damn airport. Right, you're in the van and to the airport and you get that stupid freaking notification that you could have got.
Speaker 1:Time means everything.
Speaker 2:You could have got that damn thing probably three hours ago. Right, my ass could have stayed in the hotel, but that ain't it.
Speaker 1:No, they always get you. When you're done. You're like just leaving someplace, or like it's going to make you inconvenient or you don't have any place. It's very seldom do we like it's gonna be at the hotel where, oh you know, hey, just stay there a few more hours there's a bullshit delay, man, three over three hours delayed.
Speaker 2:geez, three hours delayed. So anyway, I'm down in florida and uh, and I'm over in, uh, fort myers. So I'm like, what am I gonna do? I gotta go find a place to sit, because I'm gonna watch the paint dry now for the next three hours and, and being a flight attendant, a lot of times you think, oh, it's just glamorous things, oh, shit, yeah, it is. But then all of a sudden there's those times that you're sitting there looking around, you're like you know, you're just looking for stuff because you don't even know what to do. You're just sitting there and you're tired of looking at your phone, right?
Speaker 1:And I mean that looking at your phone, right, yeah. And I mean that gets old too, yeah. I mean you can. There's only so much you can do. It's it's.
Speaker 2:It's like anything you know, an abundance of anything is too much, yeah, but then I had that thought what's that? Do you remember years ago? What was it? One of the faint, one of our, our things that we absolutely love to do in airports?
Speaker 1:people watch you gotta people watch you. Gotta people watch man this is why we like our job is because we like to mess around, goof off with people.
Speaker 2:People, yeah. So I was like, okay, I'm going to make the best of this. So I sat in the corner, put my phone down and I started paying attention to people. So the first ones. So today, what we're going to do is talk about what did I see over these hours and these two days of people watching in the airport.
Speaker 2:So this elderly couple comes up and the first thing she has a walker and he's walking her and these two are just bitching each other. I mean, they're going at it, bantering. You know how old people are, right, they've been around each other for so long. They're just tired of each other's shit. So, anyway, they're just talking.
Speaker 2:And he had got her something to eat and she was like in one row across from him and she she's like well, you need to come over here. And he goes well, you need to come over here. And she goes, I'm staying over here, and he goes. Well, I'm staying over here and I'm sitting there watching this out. And she goes was there a table there? And he goes, goes. Yeah, there's a table over there. He goes there's one here. Now bring the damn food over here. So then he reluctantly, gets up, takes the food over to her right and the first thing she did was did you get the right pizza? And I'm sitting there going this is too much man. I'm like this is gonna be funny because I can't wait and he's like, of course, nitpicking at each other.
Speaker 1:you know, like they've been together so long, that's their entertainment.
Speaker 2:So she looked at him like that walker was an electric car She'd have ran his ass over. I mean, she was looking at him like I would just run your ass over with this walker, but anyway, she sits down and the first bite of that pizza she's like it's cold. I'm like this guy is in a no-win situation. Man, we've been there. We've been there, young and old man, we have been there. This is a no-win situation.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're in any type of relationship. I mean, at a certain point in time you're going to be like we can all relate.
Speaker 2:You're a no-win man. So anyway, after this bantering and griping back and forth, she finally goes well, do you want some of my chips? And he goes, yeah, I'll take some. And she opens the bag and she gives it to him. So he reaches in there and he just starts getting some and the first thing she says was well, damn, don't eat all of them. And I was like you just asked the man if he wanted a couple chips. And I'm thinking you know, dude, you've been around her for probably 40 or 50 years. You should have left the damn chips alone. And he should have knew better.
Speaker 2:You should have just left the chips alone, man, and I was sitting there going. Oh my God. So this was a perfect start of what I was looking at right, he's a glutton for punishment. You knew it was going to happen, because it was. You could just see in his face and her face that it was not going to go good, right, not going good, all right. Well, this is the next one, this one's for you. You're going to love this one. Yeah, guy sitting across from me Pulls his sock off.
Speaker 2:No wait for a smile, come on. Y'all know Sean don't like feet.
Speaker 1:Anybody who knows me for two minutes knows that I don't like feet.
Speaker 2:Now I'm looking at this guy First of all in the airport. You're nasty.
Speaker 1:That is nasty, that is so nasty, that is nasty shit.
Speaker 2:But then he started messing around with some damn growth on his foot. Oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:Dude, oh my gosh, dude. I mean like, first of all, you know anybody's gonna be if you're picking and, uh, you know, on yourself, I don't care what part body part that you want to be picking on or messing with, whether you're going spelunking in your nose or whatever you want to do, you know?
Speaker 1:I mean yeah, like it's like you, dude, you need to go to some, like get your ass in a public stall and like, go do this. I mean, nobody wants to watch you pick on your bunion Trust me when you don't think that someone is watching you.
Speaker 2:there is someone watching you, every single minute of the day, for sure. Every single minute of the day, right, right. So here he is, he sits there and he was. He was like picking at his foot and I'm just sitting there thinking do you, do you realize that there's like 10 people looking at you and thinking you're the nastiest person around?
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's, you know, that's when I'm in the airport, you know, and unfortunately we're sitting around and we're in uniform, right. Yeah, so we can be like, just say something and all like, but I, I mean, there's many a times where I just want to get up and say you, nasty motherfucker, take your ass into the freaking lab, go somewhere else with that bullshit it was nasty and, like I said, if I wasn't in uniform I'd have probably said something to him, because it was not good yeah, I mean it's.
Speaker 1:I mean I don't like to be the one to be starting confrontations, but it's like uh, some, you know, they just don't understand common sense All right, this one, this one you're going to love though, too.
Speaker 2:So so look up and and you know how everybody in the terminal is looking at somebody this person's walking through. Sure, sean, this woman's boobs were so big and sticking out Like she looked like a Macy's day parade Dude, I am not kidding.
Speaker 1:I wish I was kidding man Were these like real or unreal. Oh, come on, what do?
Speaker 2:you know, come on.
Speaker 1:Hey, I've seen some gigantic real ones, yeah, but no, no, no, no On gigantic windows.
Speaker 2:These things were not real.
Speaker 1:No, no, oh geez.
Speaker 2:No, and, like I said, you know how, everybody in the terminal they don't really want to look, but they're looking. Yeah, you got to look. And then everybody they're like talking and she wants you to look. Yeah, exactly, but I mean, you just turn around and you're like everybody is looking at this person walking.
Speaker 1:Dude, I had an incident like that in Vegas. Let me tell you, I was getting ready to get on the plane, okay, and we were walking down to the jet bridge, you know to wait for everybody to get off the plane and all that stuff. And off the plane walks this lady with the largest fake boobs I've ever seen in my life. I'm talking like Guinness, big, large. I'm talking like she was like five foot, like each boob was like two and a half foot. It was just like took up half her like body. It was like it was. It's insane like nothing was like.
Speaker 2:It was just so abnormal you're like why don't you feel awkward even looking at somebody you can't?
Speaker 1:help them, because that's all she is right. One big walking pair of boobs. You know, like I was like wow, like why does anybody want that? Like, first of all, the like stress that's on your back and everything. And like I just had a niece that had a reduction because of that stress. You know, like, dude, macy's Day Parade, dude, I'm telling you, man, unless they have some helium in them, why would you want them that big?
Speaker 2:When she's walking in there they just stare and everybody down the whole terminal just stares at this person actually walking down the terminal and I was like, oh my God, here it is. But it didn't surprise me because again, you're down in Florida and you see a lot of these retirees and that's the first thing that they do is they go get things fixed right or they get them enhanced, enhanced and this way.
Speaker 1:It was really enhanced. This is really overly enhanced.
Speaker 2:Really really enhanced, enhanced, and this way it was really enhanced. This is really overly enhanced, really really enhanced, really enhanced. Okay, then, here it is Kids out of control.
Speaker 1:Alright, what's this little bastard or little brat doing now?
Speaker 2:Well, you know, you're watching this play out and this mom is trying to control this kid, and this kid just is not being controlled at all, not at all. And then, all of a sudden, you hear that big no, that's the kid.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:The mom told the kid to do something and that kid said no. And all I could think about is if I had said no to my mom, seriously abuse would have occurred right there, right. I mean, that would not fly right.
Speaker 1:There would have been a shoe flying across the room hitting me in the head.
Speaker 2:Your ass would have been beat right there in the terminal A hand would have been on the side of my head.
Speaker 1:like no business, like beat.
Speaker 2:I mean, there's not one of us, there's not one of you guys listening. If you're at this age, there's not one of you. Most of your parents would have beat the crap out of you, would have beat the crap out of you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they would have smacked the shit out of you right there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's just. I mean there's no way. But I was watching these kids and all they were doing the whole time is they're running around, they're just banging into stuff, throwing things, dumping their stuff all over the floor, and these parents have absolutely no control on them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's bullshit. Yeah, I mean, first of all, it's bullshit for everybody in the terminal. Everybody that's there and everybody that's around them is like there's a limit to of like, of what everybody will like say okay, we understand, you know, like kids can be kids and everything. But when you get the kids that are like, be on that level, like that threshold of tolerance for public tolerance, and you know that they're out of control, it's like you want to be like what the hell like, please. You know this is.
Speaker 1:this is the reason why we need licenses for people having kids and stuff you know, like I mean, that's what people start thinking, like these are so like, these are freaking damien kids. You know, like why are you breeding?
Speaker 2:they're reading books about raising kids and they should use the damn book.
Speaker 1:yeah, their kid Well you know it's all about retention, right.
Speaker 2:What do you retain for when I beat your ass with this book? I mean, because those kids, man, they were just completely out of sorts, man, it was absolutely crazy. Okay. So I looked across to this other guy. So he's sitting over there. You're going to love this one and you've seen this a thousand times. Guy sits over by himself, somebody else walks up. There's like 10 to 12 seats. Right Person sits right next to him, right next to him, right next to him. And you know it's just funny watching a person's like their reaction. You know what I mean when you're sitting there and you look at the person that had been sitting there for a while and this person just sits down. Now, if it was full yeah, if it was full you could get that, right. I mean, cause you're sitting down the seats are full.
Speaker 1:It's the same thing like on the plane, like you know. Have you seen the like when you get two perfect strangers and we got a fairly empty plane or whatever and you have this two stranger and the one guy's got a middle seat and other guys got like the window and they're sitting next to each other?
Speaker 2:and they don't know each other.
Speaker 1:Like they're perfect strangers and stuff, and you can see there's a level of uncomfortableness happening and it's like you're like. You know you can. You can slide over a seat.
Speaker 2:You'd say that, but you know it's funny watching. It's actually funny because you're looking at this guy that had been sitting there and you could tell he's just completely uncomfortable. He went from being comfortable because he's like I got my space, to being completely uncomfortable because this person— yeah, uncomfortable, and it also is kind of creepy too.
Speaker 1:It's like— why do you sit here right Like, do you—?
Speaker 2:But being the outside looking in, it's pretty funny.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's some ulterior motives that are happening here, like why are you trying to get close to me, dude? I mean to me that's that automatic defense I put up Like something like that, like now I'm on high alert, right, but your reaction?
Speaker 2:you don't even know that I'm watching you, though, right, I mean, that's the cool thing you know when it comes to like watching in an airport I have no idea that you're actually watching. That's why I get the biggest kick out of this, because, you know, all these things have happened in a matter of like hours throughout the day in different airports, and okay. So this one, the dog's walking down the airport, right, right, the owner and everybody's oh, what's the dog so cute? It starts pooping, right, owner keeps walking Sean.
Speaker 1:What and doesn't like stop to take care of the business? Nothing, they just like it's like they were walking in the neighborhood and dropped it in.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, just poop and go.
Speaker 1:Left it there. For the neighbors it's just yeah. Well, somebody will clean that up.
Speaker 2:It was a poop and go. I'm looking at this dog and I'm sitting there thinking, man, that is freaking crazy and all these people are watching this dog poop and walk.
Speaker 1:First of all, like someone that witnessed it, someone, it just takes one person. It's kind of like that, uh, that video that we're doing, just look at that video, that one video about, like you know, wires, what's that one person's going to stand up for that one other person? Oh yeah, yeah, like I mean, that's kind of like that situation. Like you should somebody in that damn airport should be like listen, go take care of your dogs, your dog, just shit over there right, but you're not going to go tell them.
Speaker 1:Get your ass back over there and clean it up. Yeah, but you're not going to do it. But nobody in the airport is going to do it. They're just going to watch and be like. Dog shit's in the middle of the airport until somebody cleans it up and you're like well, just shake your head and just keep it on.
Speaker 2:That's what I said, but this goes on every single day when we're sitting there and another one right Going into the men's bathroom. This is a big one for me, big big one. Men, listen, and I want you to know that there are guys like me that notice this. You don't wash your damn hands, oh gross.
Speaker 1:It happens probably in the women's bathroom too. I mean I'm sure women in the men's bathroom I don't care In the men. I mean I'm sure I don't care In a man's bathroom.
Speaker 2:I'm washing, sean, and I'm not shitting you. If I could sit there and say I would say probably maybe four If you're doing four out of six. Four out of six, two of them wash their damn hands.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was about to say about 25%.
Speaker 2:I was sitting there and I'm like you guys are just absolutely freaking nasty.
Speaker 1:So I have this buddy that you know you're talking about like making sure you wash afterwards, right? Yeah, I have a buddy that washes before and after.
Speaker 2:And the reason why he washes before and after because it's like this.
Speaker 1:He's like I don't. He says I don't know where these have been. I can get that. And he's not talking about his Johnson, he's talking about his hands. Like all the shit that we touch throughout the day and all this stuff we don't know like how much, community germs and all kinds of bacteria. Yeah, am I going to touch? This Is my John before before you know, I need to clean, clean, clean utensil to work with.
Speaker 2:Some kind of growth going on. He's like where in the hell did that come from? Then he gets done and he goes over and washes his hand and back to his life. Man, wash your damn hands because, like I say, people like me, they notice that your nasty ass is in there and not washing your hands. And that's one of the most disgusting things and I see that all the time in the men's bathroom.
Speaker 1:Absolutely drives me crazy. Yeah, that kind of reminds me. That whole story I just told you reminded me of Ally McBeal. Remember Ally McBeal?
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, Did you watch it? Yeah, I remember that one.
Speaker 1:The quirky little lawyer dude that, like he, always, like I, have to have a clean flush.
Speaker 2:I don't remember that.
Speaker 1:He had put a remote control on one of the toilets where it, like, would flush before he went in, so he had a nice clean bowl to go to.
Speaker 2:Oh my Nope, but I didn't remember that. But then okay, so I come out of the bathroom, sit back down and all you got to do is take a look around this guy you just said it up in his nose. How do you do that? I mean seriously, how do you do that? I mean, you're in a public place, there's people around and you just go all the way up in your nose like you're touching part of your brain.
Speaker 1:When people think that sit around in public areas and this goes for, like I think, one of the worst. I think I've read somewhere where it's like one of the worst places where people think that they're not being watched is like driving in their car. But people like how many times have you seen people picking down like freaking, digging, trenching in their nose, going down highways?
Speaker 2:But what would make you think, in an airport, the surround of people that nobody's watching, like nobody's watching, dude, and then you take it.
Speaker 1:And then you take, you wipe in your pants you wipe in your pants, dude, we've seen them eat it. Yeah, you've seen them wiping the pans. I you know, back in the day, when we always used to like collect all the newspapers on the plane, I stopped collecting them after a while because one time I was sitting there and here's a dude mining for gold and he, freaking, wipes the damn thing on a paper, like, kind of like, puts it on a paper and like it turns a page and keeps reading. I'm, like you, nasty. So. So, booker, booker, papers is I don't like. I don't like to reread anybody's, because you don't know what little jewels you'll be left.
Speaker 2:You guys just remember this when you think that nobody is watching you, man, somebody is watching you all the time and crew members, we absolutely love love to people watch when we're in an airport and we have sit time. It's a lot of fun. But this last one before we move on Smelly clothes, sean.
Speaker 1:Smelly clothes Smelly people.
Speaker 2:This was campfire clothes, though.
Speaker 1:Campfire clothes. Yeah, oh, it had that real wood burn Bad.
Speaker 2:I mean you know they come in, it's like grungy looking and you know they just smell really bad.
Speaker 1:Well, those are those. You know, I don't want to stereotype, but those are those granola people that are out there going. We're going to go on a trip and I'm going to go on my little vacation. I'm going to go camping.
Speaker 2:Burning the incense. You can smell.
Speaker 1:They're going to be going out there doing their little camping trip. They jump on their mass transportation, get out to the woods, hike camp.
Speaker 2:Smell like they rub their body with coals.
Speaker 1:So they're out there for a week and everything, and then they decide they're going to come on home and just like nobody's going to know where they've been.
Speaker 2:Smelly stinky funky people man. Right man I'm telling you guys take a bath, man, because you've got to get next to somebody. But anyway, this was a really shitty two-day trip. I was delayed.
Speaker 1:All the weather in Houston was absolutely horrible man, it was horrible I got to tell you, man, I bet you many of our listeners will be like gee, stop going on multiple-day trips. Every time you go we get stories. I'm not done.
Speaker 2:My ass didn't get into Houston and then I got to Houston. I'm going to get through this delay.
Speaker 1:So I got to Houston. So I got to Houston.
Speaker 2:I was supposed to go right on there. Nope, I was delayed another two and a half damn hours getting back into Cleveland. So folks just realize this Even if you're not a flight attendant, if you're not a crew member, man, we go through the shit sometimes and it is no fun at all. It is no fun and our ass is delayed all damn day long and it is no fun.
Speaker 1:And for the majority of the industry out there. It's like we're just sitting around not getting paid I mean, anybody that's out there listening to this and doesn't know too much about the airline industry and flight attendants don't normally get paid for sitting around Any pilots as well, I mean. So it's like I mean, every time a delay is affecting you, we're you know, try putting yourself in your workplace and say, okay, you know what. We need you to sit here for another three hours and not get paid, and then you can go back to work.
Speaker 2:Just remember this, folks, and I'm telling you if you're thinking about doing something nasty in an airport, trust me, there's somebody like me, somebody like Sean is looking directly at you and we're going to catch you doing whatever it is. So, whatever you think about doing, think twice if it's going to be something nasty, because we're probably sitting right across from you.
Speaker 1:Or you're going to be teaching those little nasty-ass kids that are running around the airport nasty things too, Digging up your nerves yeah, exactly, okay.
Speaker 2:hey, did you see that video of that flight attendant throat-punching that guy on the airplane? He was grabbing that girl's hair.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, he was like reaching across the aisles, like they were at a window seat or whatever, but he was like kind of.
Speaker 2:I don't know the whole Psychotic episode. He was having some psychotic episode and he just wouldn't let go of her hair.
Speaker 1:It was the flight attendant having a psychotic episode. No, no, no, the passenger.
Speaker 2:The passenger. Right, the passenger was having a psychotic episode and he wouldn't let go of this girl's hair, and this flight attendant started throat punching him on the side. Actually, what he was trying to do was get him to release his hand.
Speaker 1:Oh gotcha yeah.
Speaker 2:Crazy video man. I mean, you don't see too many videos of actually crew members striking somebody? No, no Right.
Speaker 1:I mean, you don't yeah, although we need to be doing it more.
Speaker 2:How did I know that was coming from you? I knew it was coming.
Speaker 1:I mean, it's just a natural thought of mine Like, yeah, we should be Throat punching. Yeah, can you imagine, like new world Tomorrow. We flipped a switch and now everything that's out there in the world. Instead of passengers misbehaving, it's like flight attendants misbehaving on a plane.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, what happened on today's flight? Hey, did you see that one? He throat punched him.
Speaker 1:What does he want? You see that girl kick that dude in the balls.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this guy though. Man he did man, he throat punched this guy. He broke and the guy released the guy's hair. Don't know exactly what was going on, but it was a pretty intense video. Like I said, you don't see videos of crew members punching somebody. No, there's a lot more to that story. We'll have to get back to it.
Speaker 1:Not videos of employed flight attendants.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's true of employed flight attendants. Yeah, that's true, but I think on his defense he was actually doing something, because this guy was trying to rip this girl's hair. He did what he had to do to get the guy to break his grip. I give him props, man. It looked like a crazy video, but you guys might have to check that one out.
Speaker 1:Always two sides of the story right.
Speaker 2:All right. Did you see that plane in Rio that hit that truck during takeoff?
Speaker 1:Yeah, man, that was nasty Like the tail of the truck. The plane had that big old, gigantic hole in it and stuff. I mean talk about scary. I can't even imagine like you're going down the runway, taking off rumbling, shaking the plane.
Speaker 2:And you see a truck, you start rotating.
Speaker 1:But but imagine, like the bit, the flight tents in the back of that freaking plane. Yeah, when that hit whoa, I can't even imagine the sound that that made when, like they impacted that truck and that that truck driver I'm sure shit his pants but okay, how did he survive, man? It's sheer the top of that truck. And what? Why was he under? He had to dive.
Speaker 2:He had to dive down that seat because there's no way. I mean they showed the picture of that truck and that top of it was off.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean I'm going to tell you right now, I used to have my airport license to drive around the airport and you have to take a driver's test and all this stuff for the airport. I don't know if you know that. So anybody that drives on an airport, there's all these rules and stuff to do. But I mean, I mean crossing a runway with the first of all, there's not too many situations in any airports around america or around the world where you're crossing a runway with a, you know, a truck well, I believe it'll be his last time, probably.
Speaker 2:I don't think. I don't think he will cross any more runways at all. He'll be lucky if he ever gets let on the airport ground. I don't think he will cross any more runways at all. He'll be lucky if he ever gets let on the airport ground.
Speaker 1:I don't even think that the employer needed to fire him. He probably just said I have enough of this shit, I am done.
Speaker 2:I'm done Right. Nine lives my ass just getting out. You know, at that point if you drove a truck and an airplane hit it, you might just go get your bag. Yeah, if your truck could still drive just drive. I resign because you already know what's next, because your ass ain't going to be back on the airport.
Speaker 1:Yeah, get on LinkedIn and start looking for a new job Definitely man because you're done.
Speaker 2:Hey, did you see that? Okay, the other aircraft colliding in Scottsdale.
Speaker 1:Oh, dude, that was nasty man, did you? I mean the? The plane like came off high speed and freaking, hit that other plane like it was. I was like wow, and you know that's. That goes to show you like all these incursions that we're talking about don't just happen in like populated airports, because scott dale's, scottsdale's airport, this airport that happened into, is an executive airport. It's not you're getting nothing, but like it was a Learjet that hit a golf stream and you know, if you know your planes and stuff, you know the size of the planes, but you know these things happen everywhere. So it's, and it's not just commercial flights that are out there, it's happening actually to, you know, all these private flights as well as, uh, any anybody that's out there flying anything with the airlines, though it just seems bigger because you know, there's so many car accidents that happen every day and and people really don't think about them.
Speaker 2:As soon as a plane, anything happens with a plane, everybody, everybody, eyes are big, they start freaking out, they start saying all these other things, but they don't realize how many, thousands upon thousands of flights every single day and you're going to have incidents. I mean, you're definitely going to have incidents. You don't want them but you're going to have them and you know, in the last couple weeks we've had quite a few, unfortunately.
Speaker 1:You know, every week there's something happening. It is crazy it has been.
Speaker 2:I mean it has been for the last couple weeks. I mean definitely. But you know it runs like that. We always know that. I mean we know that it runs in threes, especially the bad ones. I mean we always know that it runs in threes. But these are just normal things. I mean, believe it or not, a truck getting hit a little different, but they A truck getting hit a little different but they've hit like they hit catering trucks and stuff like that, or like the truck hitting the plane.
Speaker 1:You know those things happen and stuff like that.
Speaker 2:But yeah, you just don't hear about that stuff.
Speaker 1:There's just so many flights out there, man. There's just so many freaking hundreds of thousands of flights that are happening every day Like something's bound to happen. But trust me, now that we got this, you know internet and mass communication happening, so everybody in the world we can, we know what's happening but trust me, I'm telling you, if it's more than a couple hours my ass getting on a plane, I I ain't driving oh yeah, I'm still going safest way to travel. Yeah, exactly, I can't I can't stand.
Speaker 2:I can't stand taking those long drives anymore.
Speaker 1:I'm too damn old hey, you know you're talking about this airline thing, the um. So did you hear that? Uh, that thing about those flight attendants being locked up in that country? They got over there and they didn't have their visas, nope, and the country like, put it like, literally handcuffed them and put them in jail.
Speaker 2:Really.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they were in jail US carrier no no, a us carrier, uh, it was international carrier, um, but they were supposed to be going into the specific destination that required them to have documentation like their visas and stuff. And if you're a flight attendant out there, you know, or not a flight attendant, you, uh, you know the flight attendants know if you're going international. Every international destination requires different type of documentation and that's constantly like in an ebb and flow, like always changing, like over our career, like the standard of which we travel, like if you go to Mexico, it used to be, we used to have, like we had little Visa cards we had to fill out yeah, forms yeah we had to return when we left the country and things like that.
Speaker 2:And then sometimes they didn't get the memo and you show up and they're like, well, why don't you have all this? And Sometimes they didn't get the memo and you'd show up and they're like why don't you have all?
Speaker 1:this and I was like well, they told us we didn't have to. Exactly, you have to. And this is the situation with that airline. They showed up and five of their crew members did not have their visas that they were supposed to have and, evidently, like this visa was only like they had to fill it out and it was like a and these, these flight attendants, were locked up in like jail criminal, unbelievable we talked about that.
Speaker 2:Right, you're criminal. So I mean, not enough.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're a criminal yeah, there's, there's, there's all these incursions and accidents and all that stuff happened. But there's all this other like uh, logistical, uh things happening in the world too, that uh that you don't hear about too often, but uh yeah let's go, hey man, let's talk with some, uh, about some fun facts fun facts man.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, let's get into fun facts. Uh, so this week we you know fun facts everywhere throw in it every this week that we're talking about right now, february 11th. Uh, it's officially Make a Friend Day and Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day.
Speaker 2:That's a dumb one.
Speaker 1:You said this last week. It's a dumb one. There's a lot of dumb weeks 49 years ago today.
Speaker 2:Right, sean, 49 years ago today was the first clip of this show. Do you remember what it was, lanny?
Speaker 1:and squiggy laverne and shirley laverne and shirley, laverne and shirley 49 years ago today schmazzle hopper, mega corporator or something. No, you screwed that up I don't know what it was.
Speaker 2:It was some little brewery or something, wasn't it was. It was some brewery or something, wasn't it? It was Schlatz Brewery, schlatz.
Speaker 1:Schlitz.
Speaker 2:Yeah, remember, she liked the scooter pies with the Pepsi. Yeah, shirley, it was Laverne. She liked the scooter pies, scooter pies yeah. Lenny and Squiggy All right. So 49 years ago today, laverne and Shirley.
Speaker 1:Yeah, man, and then you know, obviously we got to wish everybody out there, or have had, a good Valentine's Day.
Speaker 2:Happy Valentine's. Happy Valentine's Day to everybody.
Speaker 1:I mean you're going to be hearing this episode and it's going to be a few days after. But happy Valentine's. I hope everybody had a good time out there. You have any Valentine's like little traditions that you do with your wife or anything.
Speaker 2:Nope.
Speaker 1:Like there's anything special that you do. Are you a person that you get her candy every year, or some flowers or any of that stuff?
Speaker 2:You know she's gotten past that, though. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:It's, you know I know that you'll sit there, but no, I wouldn't say that, no, no, no, I mean, I get it. I'm not trying to call you out on anything.
Speaker 2:No, you're not calling me out. I tell you if it was. I mean, no, it's just not one of those. He's cheap. Wait a minute. Let's wait for Sean, because it's going to be a big damn deal. Sean's going to bring in the balloons and all kinds of shit. No, no, Sean, tell me what your tradition is.
Speaker 1:Listen listen, this is the thing, I don't even get the sweet tarts. No, no, no, no, no, dude, first of all, let me say my wife and you and your wife, we are in the same type of era of life, like there comes a time in your relationship. I've been married for 25 years. You know where a lot of these traditional stuff, just like it's like we roll over in bed and we wish each other a happy valentine's day. You know like it's that's, that's it. You know we're, we're not. You know like we don't have to go out and get it.
Speaker 2:God, I thought you were gonna have some stupid thing that you do.
Speaker 1:You know some big thing, but I'm not finished with this all right, so here it is so so we don't do that type of thing. But what we do too is we do love the seasons, because right now my wife's big hang up on valentine's day, like when it's coming up, like for the last like three weeks, you know the stores are getting that candy in the store and all the stuff and her thing is cinnamon hearts, the brocks right, yeah, like, do you like I'll go I'll go out and buy like six, ten bags of those things.
Speaker 1:really, yeah, I mean, you like she just went to the dentist and the dentist was like there's something wrong with your gums, like there's something happening here that I don't see too often, and they're like um, she's like have you been like having some problems with your gums? And she's like, no, no, no, no. You're like, uh, I've been feeling good. And she's like well, this only normally happens, like when people like eat like too much, like artificial cinnamon or something, and she's like oh shit she's been killing this.
Speaker 2:I've been killing the cinnamon hearts, oh my god, yeah, so like she loves that.
Speaker 1:And then there's one other thing, because in our region of the country there's there's a chocolate company called mally's, and mally's only does this on specific holidays, and Valentine's is one of them. But, um, you can only buy this and they're only good for two days, which is which is crazy, but they sell chocolate covered grapes. It is unbelievable.
Speaker 1:I'm not getting those dude, I'm telling you right now still not getting them. I'm telling you, like tomorrow I'm going to be on, I'll be going to Malley's, I'll pick up a box of chocolate-covered grapes and they are there, Like everybody does, the chocolate-covered strawberry type of things. But so Malley's is one of those things. Like, we have this holiday here in this region of the country called Sweetest Day, so they do it on that, and they also do it on Valentine's, and I think they also do it one other holiday they do it on. I can't think of what it is, but anyways they just come up with a whole bunch of shit.
Speaker 2:So we buy candy and shit, yeah, yeah yeah, it's a candy store, that's what they do.
Speaker 1:They sell candy right but those are the things that we don't do traditional stuff, we just do like we look forward to the season of these type of Cinnamon bears.
Speaker 2:Yeah, dude, yours is sweet tarts, I know it, you've been. Yours is sweet tarts. I can get that. Any time More tart.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I like the sweet tart, tangy, spicy. You're more of the tart, right, but anyways. So more fun facts, man, february 16th in 1968 was the first ever 911 call made in the US. What was it? I don't know what the call was. What I found fascinating about this is that you know within our lifetime. You know, I was born in 1965. So in my lifetime they invented 911.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And you know, 911 now is like when it first started I remember it was a kid. You know, like 911 is really like a learning experience for everybody. They were just getting into it, like just getting into the, you know, in the cities, in the bigger cities and stuff like that, because it wasn't everywhere. You know, 911 was just like invented. Now it's like everywhere.
Speaker 2:We use it all the time. Yeah, I mean you're crazy ass people Dude.
Speaker 1:I can. I can fall over and my phone will call my one automatically.
Speaker 2:Like hit emergency emergency call it's.
Speaker 1:It's amazing Like the leap of technology has come since 1968, that 911, but thank God it's here, man. It's helped so many people. It's unbelievable. And, and it's helped so many people. It's unbelievable. And props out to those 911 operators because they don't get enough credit.
Speaker 2:Okay, last thing we're going to talk about with a fun fact. Did you know that ancient times the Olympics athletes performed naked Dude?
Speaker 1:Why did we change that?
Speaker 2:I just thought that was funny. I mean, why did?
Speaker 1:we change that tradition. Why did they change that? I just thought—. I mean, why did we change that tradition?
Speaker 2:Why did they do it. You know, when I actually seen this, I thought, man, he's going to get kicked out of this, Because could you imagine what the attendance would be right now? I know, but why did?
Speaker 1:they do it. Do you know why they did it?
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Because they thought that they should—with exposing their body like that, they were closer to God. They were closer to god. They were closer to god. So that's, that's what. It was the reason that they did it I know this. The attendance level would be up but you said this is the last one he's. He's always funny about this when we're talking about this is the last one we're doing. I got another one. Okay, go ahead. Well, here's another one. Here's something else that happened during our lifetime in night.
Speaker 2:Well, no take that now he's gonna say our lifetime in night. Well, no, take that. I was going to say our lifetime, go ahead. Take that one back. I knew that, go ahead.
Speaker 1:But anyways, in 1923, they, uh, they found King Tut 1923, our lifetime. But you know what I was thinking was here in our lifetime. Do you remember this Like wasn't there, like this king tut crazed during night, like like when we were in school? There was this like king. So they found him in 1923. But then, like in the mid 80s or whatever, or even no mid 70s, it was right, and they started touring around. The king tut exhibit went all around the country, like all around everywhere, like big cities, everywhere, people were lining up for miles, just to see some dead guy, see a mummy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and then Steve Martin made a song.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, he did yeah, but I'm not getting in that line, man.
Speaker 1:Yeah, his mama was something I don't know.
Speaker 2:All right, man, destination, destination. Wait a minute, I'm having fun here. It's a dead guy and a mummy. Sean man, I mean seriously, ain't nobody going?
Speaker 1:to see this shit. If you can't have fun with a dead guy as a mummy, come on.
Speaker 2:That was funny, but I ain't going to see it. Anyways, our destination man.
Speaker 1:This week we're going to touch on Indianapolis.
Speaker 2:I love that airport. Our airport is cool.
Speaker 1:I like that. Indy's new airport is so nice I mean it is laid out Big old hangar like a huge hangar, Huge, huge, wide, when, like it's the airport of the future, Like right now, that airport will sustain the future for a good I'd say a good 20, 30 years probably, I would think.
Speaker 1:I can't imagine how much bigger planes can be, but they're going to get bigger, I'm sure. But yeah, a cool, cool airport. And one of the cool things there is that inside that airport, if you want to get a really good meal and have a little taste of Indianapolis, one of the featured food places that I love going to that you must go to in Indianapolis is St Elmo's, and St Elmo's is famous for this shrimp cocktail. Have you ever eaten there?
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm going to tell you right now. You like shrimp cocktail. Mm-hmm Shrimp cocktail. This one, in fact. They sell the St Elmo's shrimp cocktail sauce at Costco.
Speaker 2:Is it a fire sauce?
Speaker 1:It's not a fire sauce, it's like that cocktail sauce, but it's got triple the horseradish.
Speaker 2:So like a fire sauce, st Elmo's fire.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it will light your nose up, dude St Elmo's fire shooting out your nose. It's good you got it going on, it is so good. But you can get that right there at the airport too.
Speaker 2:You got to miss that for a minute. Yeah, no, I got you.
Speaker 1:I had full effect. I saw your dragon ass across here, shooting fire out your nose.
Speaker 2:I know son.
Speaker 1:Anyways. But St Elmo's downtown is like a very famous steakhouse that is in Indianapolis and like everybody, anybody that comes to Indianapolis, they go to St Elmo's and have a good steak and they're joined with a. They have another sister restaurant that's right next to them but they serve this cocktail always. Like that's the thing to do. A lot of people just like stop in there to have a cocktail and in this shrimp cocktail as well. But anyways, the other thing in Indianapolis a must do that you I would highly recommend if you were ever around a Memorial day and have the chance to experience the Indianapolis 500, the Indianapolis Speedway is an event and a place to see. I mean how big it is and exciting. I mean I went there for the first time in my life and unfortunately the hottest day that Indianapolis 500 was ever done on and it was baking hot. But to see those cars, man.
Speaker 2:To feel those cars, to feel them, to see them, to hear them. That's the crazy part, man.
Speaker 1:You just the power that's coming off that track. You just can't believe it. Like it is a spectacle, it's like something that you need to experience, and it's one thing to see them on TV and see them going around in circles.
Speaker 2:Your body can actually feel it. That's crazy.
Speaker 1:I mean, they're like vroom vroom, vroom, I mean, and how loud it is, wow, it's cool. But I have a brother-in-law that his whole family they go there every year and like they have a I think they're in turn three and they have these bleacher seats that they've been there and they come there and they're there the whole day because it's a whole day show. I mean it's a spectacle, but they have like the military flyovers for the race and all that good stuff. Definitely do that.
Speaker 1:Other thing to do in um Indianapolis is it has one of the most amazing um children's museums and uh, if you get a chance and I don't care if you're a kid or adult or whatever this thing's like five floors and it has an experience that's all indoors. It has all this like cool, cool, like history of um Indianapolis in there, as well as all this like cool scientific you know it's a children's museum all a lot of hands-on type of stuff. But in addition to that outside of it they have a whole outdoor experience for them too. That's like this experience of sports. So they got, of course, you got basketball in Indiananda and they got footballs. You can kick field goals there and stuff like that. They got golf. They've got, they've got these, these go-karts that you pedal.
Speaker 2:It's a big family day.
Speaker 1:It's a huge experience, but you can be an adult, a kid or whatever, and everybody can experience it.
Speaker 2:That's you, an adult, and a kid.
Speaker 1:Dude, you've got to be a kid. Sometimes You've got to go back.
Speaker 2:You never left, why leave?
Speaker 1:You didn't, man. I'm telling you you did not leave. Have you ever seen the movie? If Nope, yeah, man, if you want to see a really fun movie about being a kid, If it's fun.
Speaker 2:I don't have to, man, I know you.
Speaker 1:Other thing to do in Indianapolis is there's a few other food places that I would highly recommend. There is one that this is how crazy the experience is. It is called cake bake. Cake bake is gotten so famous in Indianapolis that it's like this. I would describe it as kind of like a a little girls like tea house experience type of thing.
Speaker 2:When they were kids. Remember those cake bake those, those small cake bake, cake bake right.
Speaker 1:Okay, so it's cake bake.
Speaker 1:But, what they did is they took this and this lady took this and took it to the freaking moon. I mean this place is decked out beyond. I mean it's like you know, like the Christmas decorations come out like every year and like it's just like magical, like this store is like that every year and they seasonally changed the whole entire size. I mean it is the most amazing place. But the food is unbelievable and they do their, their cakes there. Oh man, I mean they have like seven layer cakes and and I'm not talking about one like they'll like 15, 20 different cakes, cookies, candies and everything. Their big, like signature thing is they sprinkle it with like gold dust and so, like the girls come in there and they'll have eating, like they'll have like little juices and stuff and they're like, well, let me sprinkle it with gold dust and they'll like sprinkle the dust on their hair Like it's so great, it's so great, but this is how big it is. It's so big that Disney has now asked them to come to Disney Really. So Cake Bake is actually going to be in Disney World somewhere someday and it's an experience, yeah.
Speaker 1:But so if you get a chance to visit one of the there's two locations in Indianapolis of the Cake Bake. Definitely check it out. And I mean to get into a place. To be honest with you, you need like a reservation a year it out. And I mean to get into the place. To be honest with you, you need like a reservation a year but you can walk in and get you know cakes and stuff anytime, but just to sit in there eat you need about a good three, four months to you know, get a reservation, but anyways, um, and then the one last thing is that you got a cool, you know brick oven pizza place. They're called basbo.
Speaker 1:That's right downtown I love, I love brick oven and I mean they have, like any, all kinds of funky toppings and all that good stuff to put onto it. So yeah, basbo pizza man. So what's the quote, man?
Speaker 2:let's what's the quote this way you know, even even this week, man, it was just absolutely crazy about, you know, with the people watching and all the different things, and goes going back to that again. Real quick. Folks, just remember this there's always always someone watching, you Remember that Always somebody watching man. So here's a quote. If it's important to you, you'll find a way. If it's not, you'll find an excuse.
Speaker 1:Yes, that is very true Right.
Speaker 2:You'll find excuses, don't find excuses. Find answers, man. That's life right. Let's stop this snowball effect of shit and me and you get on a better track. Hey, listen guys.
Speaker 1:Well, unfortunately, I don't know if we're going to stop the snow. It's snowing outside right now.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know, but listen, it's been a lot of fun, had a lot of fun talking. I hope my next trip is a lot better than the last one.
Speaker 1:Stay away from those multiple days. Let's just try to keep those turns. Just go down, get your shit done and come back home.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm on a two-day trip next. All right, guys. You guys have a great week, man. It was a lot of fun, a lot of fun. We'll see you next time on Cabin.
Speaker 1:Pressure On Cabin Pressure. See ya, Thanks for listening to Cabin Pressure with Sean and G. Please follow us on Facebook, leave us a comment and we'll see you next week on Cabin Pressure.